Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Catch-All

It kind of sucks to try to write things at work. They don't like it when you do not work when you are not at work. But I have decided to respond to any detractors with the following prepared speech. I also submit that this speech is worth a try if you are ever confronted with the following situations: Wife complaint about lack of chore completion, IRS evasion scandal indictment, Final Written Warning at Job, Lack of credit hours needed for College or High School Graduation, Federal Torture Indictment, etc.

And Now, the prepared statement:

"Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. I appreciate your obvious desire to enhance this dialogue for mutual assertion of our ideas and thoughts to move towards a cross-channel and complete solution to this issue. Before I begin to respond to your previous statements, I would like to mention that I am a God-Fearing Christian and understand that the needs of everyone can and will outweigh the needs of myself and look forward to contributing in any way to the satisfaction of all issues in a complete and honest way. The present housing market and trials and tribulations of the working class lead us all into a place of more ambient empathy towards all of our fellow Americans. Once this economy is set aright and the fear brought on by the daily feeling of continual crisis is past and we all can sleep better at night I feel all charges should be brought to full justice and all information should be brought to the forefront. In the meantime, I must state that I have been convicted of no wrong-doing or crime within the bounds of the constitution and hope that the United States Senate, the United States Supreme Court and the United States House of Representatives will make their own findings public at such time as they deem fit. In the meantime, I wish to continue on working for and with the American people to make this country and state a much better place until such time as our great people and system remove this privilege for me. Thank you."

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